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  • 🏆 Unlock the Leader Inside You: Mindfulness, Growth, and Habit Transformation

🏆 Unlock the Leader Inside You: Mindfulness, Growth, and Habit Transformation

Hello from Local Boys - your weekly inside scoop on mindful career growth

Hello from the Sam and Claire (your Local Boys) with your weekly inside scoop on being a thriving, lit up human.

This week, we are diving into the power of mindful leadership, WTF that is, and practical steps to get there. We can't stop thinking...isn't it time for better leaders?

-S & M

Let's dive in:

  • 🏖️ Leadership Skills: The Dance of Mindfulness and Empathy

  • 💪 3 Steps to Improve Your Habits in the Next Week

  • 🍭 What We're Excited About


"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."

- Sun Tzu

In today's world, leaders are served a steady stream of uncertainty and chaos. This quote by Sun Tzu, a revered Chinese military strategist, is a reminder that the best leaders are those who can not only navigate through turbulent times but also find the opportunities within them.

They get lemons and make lemonade. Or limes and limeade. Or snow and igloos. Whatever shows up, they work with it.

One of the best ways to cultivate the host of leadership skills needed to lead a team, a company, or a community group is rooted one thing: mindfulness.

Mindfulness is essentially an acute awareness of the present. You're able to see what's in front of you and respond rather than react. You remain grounded in the face of chaos and conflict. You respond in a "conscious" way that is steeped in awareness of yourself and those around you.

This foundation becomes the springboard for the most important leadership skills: empathy, resilience, strategic thinking.

This week we're taking a close look at the dance of empathy and mindfulness when it comes to unlocking the leader inside you. You can't truly have one without the other.

Mindfulness allows us to see and hear others clearly.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

In leadership, empathy is crucial because it allows you to connect with your team members on a deeper level, understand their needs, and ultimately, build trust.

By practicing empathy, you can develop more meaningful relationships, foster collaboration, and create an environment in which your team can thrive. Remember, when you embrace empathy as a leader, you not only support the well-being of your team but also enable them to unleash their full potential.

But you can't be empathetic without being in the present moment.

So, where to start?

Sam prefers meditation and light movement to get into a mindful groove. Claire likes to be in nature, walking, feeling the elements around her.

Everyone has their own flavor of feeling out the present moment. Notice when you feel most aware and which conditions allow you to really see the colors, objects, and shapes of everyday items around you. Notice when you can really smell, taste, and feel the food you eat. Notice when you can listen to someone speaking without distraction, really hearing what they say.

That's the present.

Thought Prompts:

  • Which mindfulness exercises work for you? (If you're not sure, see below!)

  • Which conditions allow you to connect with others best?

  • If you had to visualize the leader you want to be, even if it's just for yourself, what does he/she/they look like?


  1. The Science of Mindfulness: How It Can Improve Your Leadership Skills: Discover the science-backed benefits of mindfulness and how it can give you a full life upgrade. You'll learn about the neurological and psychological changes that mindfulness practices can induce. Spoiler: improved focus, decision making, effective communication, conflict management, and emotional intelligence.

  2. The 5 Levels of Leadership: A Comprehensive Guide: In this in-depth article, leadership expert John C. Maxwell breaks down the five levels of leadership and how to progress through them. This framework will help you understand where you are in your leadership journey and provide actionable steps to reach new heights.

  3. Top 5 Books That Will Transform Your Leadership Mindset: If you're looking for some inspo and wisdom, this curated list should replace any other book list you have going. From classics like "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" to Brene's "Dare to Lead," these books will challenge your thinking and elevate your leadership skills.


1️⃣ Identify One Habit to Change: Choose one habit that you want to change, either to stop a negative behavior or to start a positive one. Be specific about what you want to achieve with this change and why it's important to you. Intention is everything.

2️⃣ Break It Down: Break down the habit into smaller, manageable steps. If it's a new habit, identify the triggers and routines that will lead to the desired outcome. For example, if you want to meditate each morning, put your meditation cushion in plain sight, next to where you drink your morning coffee. If it's a habit you want to break, consider what steps you can take to replace it with a more positive behavior.

3️⃣ Habit-Stack: By 'stacking' one habit with another that's already in your routine, you'll find it easier to adopt new habits. For instance, if you want to start drinking more water, make a note to fill up your water bottle every time you get back from walking the dog. It'll soon become a routine and you'll have a regular reminder to chug some H20.


1️⃣ TV Show: Shrinking takes you into the life of a therapist who...is a mess. It's funny, well-shot, and reminds us that therapists, doctors, and authorities are human too.

2️⃣ Long Read: No one jumps for joy hearing about the Great Depression but Kristin Hannah's historical fiction novel, The Four Winds, is an edge-of-your-seat account of one family who struggles through the era. It also gets a 4.3 rating from 51k+ people on Goodreads so, there's that.

3️⃣ Jam: *Throwback alert* The Dixie Cups, Iko Iko.


“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness."

- Sakyong Mipham

That's a wrap. See ya next week!

🖤 Your Local Boys


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